05 March 2011

Blog Post and Schedule for the Week of 3/7/11 to 3/11/11

Ok, first the blog post assignment. Go here, post your favorite picture on your blog response, and provide a short statement of what you think the artist is trying to say and why exactly you like it.


Monday: Finish The Battle of Algiers, Discussion of the article assigned on Friday, "Othering" Assignment
Tuesday: Finish the "Othering" Assignment, Look at World Systems Theory
Wednesday: Postcolonial studies and writing about an image
Thursday: Field Day
Wednesday: The Power of Art

You have reading for Monday. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



  1. Thats a very nice picture Mr.Odum.

  2. @Sandra, Just feeling your pain

    “I was filled by school and church with an overwhelming sense of guilt before I had the faintest idea what I was guilty of.”
    Frederico Fellini

  3. Feeling it AND causing it at the same time. Tell Sharpe that I'm teaching irony in Great Ideas.

  4. This is a comment, with a link

  5. This picture is my favorite:
    It's the one with the speaker and the sewage coming out from the microphones. Personally, I think it lines up with my belief that a lot of people in the public light are just spewing trash and not saying or doing anything substantial.
    Also, according to my google translate, the website's in Polish, Mr. Odum.
    Callie Stribling, Period 1/2

  6. That's an awesome picture Callie! Polish huh? Makes sense, the Poles have a great history of innovative Modern art. Just look at this site for polish cinema posters: http://www.polishposter.com/

  7. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/17.jpg

    This picture (the one of the figure in the gas mask connected to a plant) is my favorite picture. It reminds me of trying to find out what could possibly make a gas mask work as a kid and settling on a tiny plant growing in the inside of the mask.
    Caleb Gross, Period 1/2

  8. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/03.jpg

    This picture is most definitely the best! It even deserves an exclamation point. I literally laughed out loud (lol.) Pain is funny to many people and suggesting that opera sounds like pain such as getting hit in the privates contributes to the hilarity of the statement.

    Makala Kuhr 1/2

    great picture lol

  9. http://capu.pl/node/271?page=1
    Unfortunately, the website isn't allowing me to link only the image, but the picture that I found the most striking was the one with the mob of people in the city crowded around a spilt container of blue paint while completely ignoring the seriously injured painter in the background. It says a lot about our attraction to products and end results, as opposed to our connection and feelings for the people who make what we want possible. I like it because it's a really strong image about something that I would definitely agree is something that we're all guilty of doing sometimes, and I'm glad that attention is brought to that.

    Katie Pastor, Period 5/6

  10. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/10.jpg
    I picked the picture of a man wearing chains that connect from his neck to both his wrists, and painting the silver chains to be gold.
    This picture first stood out to me because it made me think of rappers that wear their "chains" and shiny "bling" to try to look cool. Then I thought of how a lot of rappers are criminals and get in trouble with the law, and I realized that I like this picture because it is a good conveyance of how rappers try to wear gold chains, to hide the fact that they really end up wearing silver chains, in jail, as seen in the picture. I also think that there is some symbolism about the fact that the chains go from the neck to the hands. I guess part of that is that rappers wear chains around their necks, and also that the rapping, which comes from the throat, is "linked" (haha punny) to their criminal actions committed with their hands.
    -Gabi Hadad, 1/2

  11. @Katie, I like that picture as well. It's true what you say and that is one of the main points of my ramblings in class. Society values entertainment and distraction over critical thinking and, for lack of a better term, virtue. This also resonates with your comment @Gabi.

    @Gabi, of course you're right there is definitly connections with "rappers." But it goes deeper than that. I think that this piece displays a criticism of material gain in general. We grow so concerned with accumulating stuff that we forget that at some point our possessions start possessing us.

  12. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/57.jpg
    I picked this picture of a raised statue of armed soldiers with a statue of a mother holding her child protectively at the bottom. This caught my attention because it shows both the glory of war, the soldiers who are raised up, and the not-so-ideal side of war, the terror that it induces. I also thought it was interesting that the mother and child were in the shadows, almost behind the raised statue of the soldiers. To me that looked like it symbolized the way that during wars, the bad affects are downplayed, while the soldiers and victories are glorified.

  13. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/27.jpg
    I selected the picture of the clown trying to clear his face of acne and another toy clown pops right out of it. This was hilarious to me because as a kid I was always wondering what clowns were like when they weren't doing their job, and what they looked like. It was interesting to see a portrayal of a clown as thought it was something that one was born as, because it provides a different look than just seeing a clown as a regular guy just like yourself except with makeup on.

    --Aiden Kahn, 1/2

  14. The picture that I chose caught my attention most can be found at http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/47.jpg. I really like this picture because it ties in a story most children know with our country and its politics. This picture is referring to Pinocchio, the wooden puppet who has a nose that grows when he lies. I think that the artist is trying to say that our country is built on a foundation of lies, as shown by the long-nosed Pinocchio. Also the fact that Pinocchio is underground may indicate that the public doesn't know about these lies, adding more depth to the meaning.

    Emerson Curtis 1/2

  15. Out of the pictures that have not been chosen yet, this one (http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/02.jpg) stood out to me. It reminds me of when your at a stop light and homeless people try to wash your car, when you don't want them to. To me this picture shows the gap between classes, and as kids they are practicing for when they grow up. I feel the white kid is elitist with his nice little car, and wants nothing to do with the other ethnic kids. The ethnic kids cant afford a car, but are trying to work for the white kid to ideally make money off him. They're essentially playing 'when 1st world meets 3rd world' in a bad way.

    Christopher Delgado 1/2

  16. I chose this picture (http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/66.jpg) because it represents global warming well. The picture depicts penguins with nooses around their necks getting ready to fall off of a glacier. The artist is really trying to toy with the audience's emotions, so we would help the cause to fight global warming.

    Ryan Rash 1/2

  17. This is my favorite picture:
    It is the one in which the man is speaking into the microphones that dump filth into the sewers. I believe that this painting is trying to talk about how much speakers of governments, businesses, or anyone famous, can and will speak with absolute stupidity or completely be lying. I like the painting because, to me, it speaks to the issues of reporting and news in society.

    Connor 5/6

  18. This is the picture I chose:

    Yes I know that this is the picture that is on this blog but the first time I saw it, it was just to awesome.

    I think what the artist is trying to say here is that now days you really have to force children/teenagers to study. Student don't care about their education. They have these wild dreams that "Hey why do I need to go to school? I'm gonna be a famous rapper one day." Even for me, sometimes my parents have to force me to sit down, concentrate and finish my homework.
    I really LOVE this picture because for me it represents exacly what I imagine myself having to go through when I do my homework (not all the time but...)Really having to smash my face into it for me to do it.

    Sandra Norwood
    Period 1/2

  19. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/10.jpg

    This picture is the most intriguing to me. I think the basic message is something like "just because you paing it a different color it doesn't mean it is any happier. It seems relevant to Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn which has been re-released in a new edition omitting all the "N" words (you know the ones I'm talking about). The thing we need to understand is that the usage was relevant to the time, and even if by modern standards it's unacceptable that doesn't mean that we should change the way we tell history to suit our own needs.

    Kira Strzepa

  20. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/05.jpg

    This picture speaks the most to me, because as a vegetarian I completely understand the irony of it. While the man lovingly pets the cat with one hand, he holds a knife in the other, preparing to slaughter the animals on the other side. Why should domesticated animals be treated any differently? They are not any more useful--and in the case of cats, they are less useful--than other animals. Perhaps it isn't entirely hypocritical to love your pets and eat other animals, because you have established a bond with your pets that you never established with the animal slaughtered for meat. However, I will never understand the farmer that raises a cow like it's a child, then slaughters it when it is good for meat.

    Michelle Zhang
    Period 1/2

  21. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/40.jpg

    I liked the picture of the hands with chains on them which turn into a hammock, with a man smoking a cigar because it shows how big business always trumps hard labor. It shows how big corporations can sit back and relax while there are hard workers working for these corporations, without threse corporations actually realizing this or without really caring for much more than themselves.

    Mark Rangel 5/6

  22. I can't link to only one picture but I really like the one of a man speaking into a microphone that turns into pipes leading down a sewage drain. The man is presumably a politician and it represents how despite the fancy ways officials may spin their words it's all just garbage, or in the painting, sewage. Even though this is my favorite (especially with our recent budget cuts) I thought all the paintings were very clever and I liked all of them.

    Gabby McRoberts 5/6

  23. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/13.jpg

    My favorite painting was the one depicting a painter who fell off a building and died in the street. The bystanders were much more focused on the bucket of paint he spilled than on the body. This painting shows that people are only concerned with the things that inconvenience them the most. The paint spill is much larger than the puddle of blood coming from the man's head, and will be harder to clean up, so the onlookers focus on the paint. This shows the skewed priorities of the human race in general.

    Sander Trubowitz 5/6

  24. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/15.jpg

    I like this picture the best because it is both amusing and simple to comprehend. The way I interpreted it is that the poorly paid workers are the ones manufacturing most of the toys kids get on Christmas. Thus, this picture is a direct way of showing the relationship between the toys made in China, and the kids receiving them.

    Ivana Correa 5/6

  25. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/73.jpg

    I really like the picture of the little girl standing in giant high heels holding a manual on shoes in her hands. The image reminds me of most people wanting to grow up so fast, especially this generation. When we are little we spend all of our time fantasizing and wishing we were grown up and then when we finally are growing up, we would give anything to return to the bliss of childhood. Not exactly the innocence or ignorance that accompanied it, but the way everything was essentially worry-free and new and exciting. I think a lot of people romanticized growing up, seeing things in black and white (like in the manual the girl is looking at in the photo) rather than the way things really are.

    Jenna Lang, 1/2

  26. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/38.jpg

    the first time I looked through these images i started laughing as soon as I saw this one. The statue on top of the fountain looks as if the water coming out of its mouth are words, and the water isn't safe to drink. This reminds me of all the lying and twisted opinions that exist in the media especially, and how someone who you might consider important enough to have a statue made in their honor, is really just selling you a load of useless lies. I think that this is a really refreshing painting that because of the slightly un-PC message it contains is kind of relaxing.

    Shannon Plunkett period 1/2

    (i know this is late. i just got home from babysitting, and i didn't have any internet access at their house)

  27. First off, I would just like to say that all of these pictures are amazing and beautiful but the one that caught my eye was this one: http://capu.pl/node/271?page=4. This is the picture that illustrates a man bungee diving into a book. I thought it was a neat representation of diving into a book. And in a way that's kinda what happens when we read a book. We read the back cover do get a feel for the book but when we open it up to the first page, we are taking a leap of faith and diving into the book just like the man did in the painting.

    Nikita 5/6

  28. http://32700.pl/up/rysunek_satyryczny_pawla_kuczynskiego/57.jpg

    Most all of these pictures make me think, but I often cannot understand why. The statement that this picture makes hurts me to look at because it shows clearly how we glorify war heros for their actions but don't think about how their families feel. They are not just proud, they are sad first. It must be so hard to push this grief out and replace it with pride. When I see a war statue or memorial, I usually think about how dapper and proud the hero looks, or how brave they must have been. I don't often think about the family behind that hero and this painting shows that we should.

    Hannah Bangs 1/2

  29. (sorry I couldn't figure out how to post the link)

    After looking at the pictures, it appears as if all of them have some sort of message. In this one, I noticed the little girl has light skin, is wearing clean coveralls, has a pair of socks, and neatly combed hair. The boy on the other hand has slanted eyes, tan skin, is wearing patchy clothes, and doesn't have any socks or shoes. The girl is taking time to put together the blocks to spell the word "apple" while the boy is simply eating the block with the apple on it.

    I usually like to search the artist to learn something about them because I think those types of things are reflected in their work.
    Because I wasn't able to do this, I don't feel right making any real predictions about what the message is, but I think it's safe to say something along the lines of the boy is impoverished and the girl is not, so she should share what she has and educate the boy.

    For the most part, what I like about this artist's work is that you can tell what is being portrayed in the picture- e.g. a human looks like a human. The artist likes to use a similar color scheme throughout all his pictures(lots of reds). One thing that bothered me though was that I couldn't tell whether there was supposed to be sand in the background, or if it was just the style of the artist, because the dots seemed to be duplicated in some of his other pictures as well.

    Danielle D
    Great Ideas 1/2

  30. Raeneisha Cole
    Periods 5/6
    Out of all of the amazing pictures, this was my favorite!

    What i like most is the sewage coming out of the microphones. I find this picture amusing and yet creative as its resembles individuals, such as governors or politicians in society today. The message is basically saying that most of the things that come out of people's mouth's these days is just garbage! Whats so great about this is that its undeniably true, as people these days just don't have a filter.

  31. I don't know how to post the link, but my favorite is the dude speaking into the mics that just turn into a junk pipe. It really speaks to me and my hate of politicians, and how nothing they say is worth anything. Words don't mean anything any more. A man's word used to be the only thing they had, but as these A-Holes in the government have gotten rich off of our money, they have more possessions which they substitute for honesty.

    Spencer Neth

  32. ok well i picked this one pic that i think means something important
    the first one i saw was the industrial corparation's chimny with thick black smoke coming out and two window cleaners cleaning the smoke to white. i think the point that the artist was trying to make is that the industriral companinies all around the world are filling the skies above us with thick black smoke that is not only bad for us, but is also bad for the ozone layer. then it shows that there are some window cleaners cleaning the air, black smoke, to white clean smoke that's not as harmful or harmful at all.

    i like this picture because it shows the big things in life that's bad for the enviroment. i think it also shows that we can clean the air and be more eco friendly to the earth. i think that this picture is really showing a good statement on air polution and with all polutions in the world we can clean it.

    ~danni biddle

  33. I chose the picture of the the clock digging the grave. I liked it because it illustrated the common fear of death. People constantly buy products to make themselves look and feel younger. This painting shows that there is no escape from death and time. The dark colors, especially of the sky also make the tone more ominous.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.
